Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Thousand Miles

A thousand miles, so far away,
My heart and soul, there they lie.
Every moment, each passing day,
Like the birds, I long to fly.

How shall I explain to thee,
Without you, what becomes of me
Dried, shrivelled, impotent, full of sorrow
After all, what's a bow without an arrow?

I've heard people say, the world is your oyster,
I give myself to thee, seeking thy shelter,
Well I hope in my oyster, you are the pearl.
My heart smiles a rainbow, so long as you are my girl.

I gaze at that lonely star,
shining bright in the twilight sky,
I know I'll be there, not too far,
but still, why do I always cry?

Let's sail through the vast oceans,
beyond anything anyone ever knew,
Come with me, my dear,
you are the ship, and I am the crew.

Never again shall I leave your view,
Not for the world, mark my promise.
Tell me, thou shalt keep me with you,
Please, please, my pretty little miss?

No, I'm not a writer, not nearly a poet,
Nor am I magician, hidden behind a closet.
I am the best donning cupid's bonnet.
And so I dream, that you shall see...
I'm a fanatic lover, and come embrace me?

A thousand miles, so far away,
My heart and soul, there they lie.
Every moment, each passing day,
Like the birds, I long to fly.


Vijay Krishnan said...

Kuch bhi! Cite your sources!

Adu said...


Anish Das Sarma said...

@VK: Dude, I wrote it!!

@adu: you just told me who you are, Suna :-)

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